Week 2 - Colors App


Welcome to Week 2 of React Curve

Hello developer!, glad to see you again.

This is a react-curve, open source project where I can share and start creating small UI components in the way I understood the concepts to build large scale projects .

Colors App

colors app This week we created a colors app that displays the list of the colors in react.

To create a color component; We have to :

  • Create a state that holds the colors
  • Colors is an array of objects
  • Each color has an id , name, and hex properties
  • We loop through the colors array using the <map()> function
  • We return an element for each item
  • We should provide a key for each list item
  • We assign the resulting array of elements to colorItems
  • In JSX, we include the entire colorItems array inside an element, and render it to the DOM


import React from 'react';

const DisplayColors = () => {
    const colors = [
        {id: 1, name: 'brown', hex: '#A52A2A'},
        {id: 2, name: 'crimson', hex: '#DC143C'},
        {id: 3, name: 'red', hex: '#FF0000'},

    const colorItems = colors.map(color =>
        <li key={color.id} id="currColor">
            {color.id}  | {color.name} | {color.hex}

    return (
        <div className="displayColors">
            <h2>Display Colors</h2>

export default DisplayColors;


Thank you for reading and any contribution is more than welcome in the threads below!

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