
I learn and write code standards, best practices, and accessibility that lives in the cloud.

Below is a growing list of projects I have shipped across various frontend technologies.


In progress
ReactJsNextJsNestJsTypescriptTailwind CSSCSS Modules

My website and resume.


ReactJsNextJsChakraUiRapid Api

Real estate app to make it easy for users to search for homes for sale and rent.


ReactJsRedux ToolkitAnt DesignChartJsRapid Api

(Web3) app that let users follow the last cryptocurrencies costs, news and trends.


ReactJsReduxCSS3Rapid Api

Open Source project to make small components with tips and trick to build large projects.

Google Clone

Google Clone
ReactJsTailwind CSSContext ApiGoogle Search Api

A search engine like Google where you can search for news, images, videos and etc.

MyReads Tracking App

MyReads Tracking App
ReactJsBooks Api

Real estate app to make it easy for users to search for homes for sale and rent.

Daily Movies

Daily Movies
ReactJsTailwind CSSFirebaseContext ApiMoviedb Api

Dailymovies requires a user account to watch newer movies and a section for your favorite movies.

Greatest Pizza

Greatest Pizza
ReactJsStyled-componentsData Api

Online pizza ordering app. It’s very simple; clients choose their favorite pizza in a matter of clicks.


ReactJsGoogle Map ApiFourSquare Api

A web app that uses google map api to help users discovering some of the most famous tourist places in Minia city. Also user can search and filter the results he/she wants.

Restaurant Reviews App

Restaurant Reviews App
HTMLCSSVanilla JSCache APIGoogle Map ApiMapBox Api

A mobile-ready web application and responsive user experience on different sized displays and accessible for screen reader use. Also it works offline.

MoSalah Tribute Page

MoSalah Tribute Page

Its one of Free Code Camp Responsive Web Design Projects.

Memory Game

Memory Game

A complete browser-based card matching game. The game board consists of sixteen "cards" arranged in a grid.

Star Math Game

Star Math Game

Pick 1 or more numbers that sum to the number of stars.

Tic Tac Toe Game

Tic Tac Toe Game

Play Tic Tac Toe

More Projects

More Projects
JavascriptReactAngularC++PythonComputer vision